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  • Ben Landkammer

The Path of Least Resistance...

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

...isn't this way.

Dog training isn't easy. Dog ownership is fantastic, but nobody ever said it was easy. It's like any other relationship-there are high peaks and muddy valleys...

Sounds a lot like the US Canine Biathlon.

Let me preface this by saying-I'm no athlete.

I workout somewhat consistently, and have always been active. I do it for life. Tracking is HARD. Catching bite dogs is HARD. Search and Rescue is HARD. Life is HARD. Having a fitness routine and mindset helps with all of that. But an athlete? Not me.

Having said that, I went on a few (less than 10) training runs with Kato before showing up to the race. Running...isn't something I look to spend my time doing. Ever.

Now that all that is out of the way...

EVERYONE should look at and consider doing the US Canine Biathlon in Anniston, Alabama. It is now a twice-a-year event that is basically a dog centered mud/obstacle run and festival. And it's a helluva lot of fun in one weekend.

The point of all this, and what does it have to do with dog training? I am ALL about doing more with our dogs, and keeping it simple (you've heard (read?) me preach about simplicity in training before...) And this event is accessible to everyone.

Special training is NOT needed (though a level of obedience is certainly encouraged and recommended.

Over the 4.25 mile course, I literally used 2 commands-'Let's go', 'Climb', and a lot of praise.

These are the first two commands I teach every client dog, and are the foundation of their obedience program. 2 COMMANDS. SIMPLE. Then you just have to keep moving and enjoy the experience.

This is the first year of the biathlon Rewind-the course is setup to be run backwards. We weren't able to go (though I was really wanting to), but come next May you can count on us being there and I would LOVE to have a huge crew of all of you there to camp with, run with, listen to live music with and drink all the free beer with (yes-FREE beer!).


Want help on the obedience and/or conditioning side to get ready for this or another event? Drop me an email here and let's develop a training plan that fits your needs, pup and lifestyle!

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